Our Year in Review

Our Year in Review

Aside from starting dRN Law LLP and the overwhelming support we have received from our clients in response, some of the highlights of our year included (in no particular order):

1. Obtaining work permits for some of the brightest people in the world to work on projects of national importance, such as the innovation of Canada’s agri-food industry, the enhanced development of Canada’s clean technology sector, and the diversification of Alberta’s economy;

2. Advising some high profile individuals, including a professional athlete, an internationally acclaimed artist, and family members of a former president with respect to various immigration matters; and

3. Obtaining refugee protection for multiple LGBTQ clients and an interreligious/interracial family who have suffered harm or are at risk of suffering harm in their home countries.

Looking back on this year, we are proud of the work we have done. Seeing the impact on our clients’ lives and the world around us is beyond gratifying.